Article By Kali Nelson When weighing the ethics of eating animals, a common place to look is the behaviour of other animals. Maybe we’re looking to them as models for what is natural, or even aspirational. There’s no question that animals do kill and eat each other. But does that mean we should do the same? Should We Base Our Moral …
Category: Environmental
Why Is The Dairy Industry Disappearing?
Article By Kali Nelson When Health Canada updated the Canadian Food Guide in 2019, they dropped dairy from their essential recommended food groups. Even though milk consumption in Canada has been on the decline since 2004, the industry continues to fight against this turning tide. Why Was Dairy Demoted In The Food Guide? When Health Canada rewrote the Food Guide, …
What’s The Environmental Impact Of Grass-Fed Cattle?
Article By Kali Nelson What do you picture when you think of “grass-fed beef”? Since the environmental impact of cattle production is large even compared to other kinds of animal agriculture, consumers want an eco-friendlier option. Compared to other livestock, cattle require more land, more resources, and are responsible for around 65% of the livestock sector’s greenhouse gas emissions. At …