* = Canada-based
Dreena Burton *
Erin Ireland *

Easy Animal Free *
‘Real-life recipes, strategies, and inspiration to help you eat more plants.’
This Rawsome Vegan Life *

Photo by Emily von Euw
Lauren Toyota *

Photo by xtravaluemeal
Leafy Vibe
‘Fun, easy, plant-based toddler meals.’
Oh She Glows *
Plant-Based Juniors
Vegan Family Guide
Vegan Family Kitchen *
Vegan Kids Nutrition
Veggie Fit Kids

‘Dr. Yami Cazorla-Lancaster, DO, MS, MPH, FAAP is a board-certified pediatrician and mother. She provides information on plant-based diets for children including recipes, videos, and tips on nutrition and lifestyle.’
DISCLAIMER | P.E.A.C.E. Humane has provided this list as a service to the public. Not all external content of the listed individuals or organizations reflects the views of P.E.A.C.E. Humane. Their inclusion in this list does not constitute an endorsement. Some of the information on this website has been provided by external sources. P.E.A.C.E. Humane is not responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of the information provided by external sources. Users should please consult directly with the external source of the information.